Overdosing on Tropicana

My lifeblood for the rest of the evening.

Thanks to my wonderful and unique tendency to get sick at the beginning of nearly every summer, the common cold has brought me down for the afternoon.

In an effort to get back to 100 percent by the morning, the only goal I have this evening is to finish off all 59 ounces of orange juice in my fridge.

If you’re looking for a good read, be sure to check out my review of the Braves’ Monday struggles in 2012. It’s shocking how bad they’ve been at the beginning of the week, but it might make you feel a little better to read about how much others struggle on Mondays. There are pictures from yesterday’s Braves-Cardinals game, too!

And for more good sports reads, jet on over to my buddy’s blog at Weyneth World. There’s something for absolutely every sports fan over there.

Until tomorrow, pour me something tall and strong. And pulp-free, please.

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Categories: Health

Author:Sean Breslin

https://breslanta.com Thanks for taking the time to read my blog! I’m an Atlanta native since near-birth, so I will blog a lot about Atlanta sports and food, as well as weather and news topics. Be sure to follow me on Twitter as well: .


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2 Comments on “Overdosing on Tropicana”

  1. May 29, 2012 at 7:50 pm #

    Thanks for the plug, Sean. Hopefully that O.J. will fix you up, the city that never sleeps (eastern style) will definitely do a number on you if you let it. No shame in that and I’m sure it was all worth it to spend that time with your family.

    • Sean Breslin
      May 29, 2012 at 8:34 pm #

      You got it, bud!

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