Tag Archives: Ohio State
AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu

35 Bowls in 24 Days: Day 17

The second trio of Jan. 2 bowl games features a very interesting matchup, followed by two BCS tilts featuring four of the best teams in the country. Picking winners in these three games was very difficult, but I have high hopes for my analysis, and I’m sure I’ll have to face the music if I [...]

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AP Photo/Chris O'Meara

Your move, Dad

Born and raised in Ohio, my father has been an Ohio State fan all his life. He once bought a brand-spanking-new HD television for a party when the Buckeyes played for and won the national championship in 2003, and the only college clothing he owned before my brother and I (and his money) went off [...]

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AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

The five steps of a university scandal

In every scandal that has plagued college athletics in the last few years, there has been a pattern of steps that I’ve seen in all of them. From Florida State’s cheating scandal to the Ohio State rings-for-tattoos scandal to Miami’s Nevin Shapiro scandal, they all take the same path. Penn State’s scandal is no different, [...]

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