Tag Archives: Miami
AP Photo/Steve Cannon

The ACC’s Super Six

My apologies for going AWOL this week — I have been working on a big project for weather.com that I really hope you will check out on Tuesday. When the 2011-12 NCAA Basketball season started, analysts and fans alike looked at the Atlantic Coast Conference and struggled mightily to find more than two teams that [...]

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AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

The five steps of a university scandal

In every scandal that has plagued college athletics in the last few years, there has been a pattern of steps that I’ve seen in all of them. From Florida State’s cheating scandal to the Ohio State rings-for-tattoos scandal to Miami’s Nevin Shapiro scandal, they all take the same path. Penn State’s scandal is no different, [...]

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AP Photo/Joel Auerbach

Armstrong suspension a shocking display

After a week like this one, it’s hard to deliver shocking news in college football. But this is truly shocking, for a completely different reason. Wednesday evening, InsideTheU.com reported that Miami safety Ray Ray Armstrong has been suspended for the Hurricanes’ game against Florida State this weekend. The report stated that he was suspended after [...]

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