Archive | August, 2009

Thou shalt not have false idols…

Tired of hearing about Tim Tebow yet? You only have to put up with it for another four months! While seemingly non-stop Tebow footage is rolled on ESPN, CBS, and just about every sports website in the United States, those of us that have seen his behavior on the field can only chuckle when grown [...]

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Lou’s bold prediction

If you’ve watched ESPN during a college football season, you have surely seen a squirly old man making bold predictions and trying to talk up teams that you know will never amount to anything. His name is Lou Holtz, a member of the College Football Hall of Fame. His legendary coaching tenure got him there, [...]

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Memphis takes a vacation…of wins

It has been just over 16 months since the Memphis Tigers held an eight-point lead over the Kansas Jayhawks with just two minutes to play in the NCAA Basketball Championship Game in San Antonio. Kansas would go on to make up the deficit and win the title in overtime, leaving Memphis with nothing but heartbreak. [...]

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