There’s a buzz about Turner Field

You’re just going to have to trust me on this one — Turner Field just feels different.

Wednesday night, I enjoyed a date night at the Braves game, and the home team beat the Miami Marlins 3-0. The team looked as sharp and focused as they did in any of the games I attended this season, and while I’m not guaranteeing anything with regards to the upcoming postseason, I will say this: There’s a buzz about this team.

The players have a little extra spring in their step. They really believe they can still win the NL East, and even if they don’t, they get to host the coolest one-game playoff in the history of the sport.

The employees at the park are re-energized. They’re dancing, hanging banners and getting into the atmosphere completely. They know they’ll get to work at least one playoff game, and they seem to be excited about that.

And the fans. Oh, do the fans sense something bigger happening. Every time Chipper Jones came to the plate Wednesday night, he got a standing ovation and many of the fans remained standing and chanting for him while he batted. There’s a confidence in the team that they’ll get it done every night, and they should feel that way, because there’s a good team on that field this season.

What a cool atmosphere.

It’s very intangible and difficult to describe, but there was something different about Wednesday night’s Braves game. I’m excited to see where the Braves go from here, because I think they really do have a legitimate chance to be a World Series contender in a few weeks.

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Categories: Atlanta, Baseball, Sports

Author:Sean Breslin

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2 Comments on “There’s a buzz about Turner Field”

  1. September 27, 2012 at 9:59 am #

    Now is the time for … “real baseball fever” season! Exciting to be so close … and must admit, would be great if Chipper Jones went out with a WS his last season!! “)

    • Sean Breslin
      September 27, 2012 at 11:02 am #

      That sure would be great.

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