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Welcome to Sean Breslin's Blog!

Welcome to

Well, this isn’t the beginning, but it sure is a big step forward. Today is the launch of my new blog, New look, new URL and hopefully more content for all of my readers. Over the years, the number of visits to my blog has gone up, and I think you deserve a reward [...]

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How was your Wednesday?

I can officially say I did something yesterday that nobody who reads this blog will ever do in their lifetime — I slid through a mud puddle for an entire mile just outside of Alton, Kansas in an effort to find someone with a tractor to pull our three vehicles out of ditches after they [...]

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What I learned at Werner Park

A funny thing happened while I was watching a minor-league baseball game last night. I learned to never take a single thing I have for granted. We’ve seen so many small towns along the way this week already, but Omaha really isn’t one of them. Still, as we took in last night’s Omaha/New Orleans AAA [...]

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