Donate to Sandy relief (and drink good beer!)

Sandy Benefit

Now, Atlanta can do their part to help the victims of Superstorm Sandy.

Monday night, Dec. 17 at 6 p.m., Sweetwater Brewery will host a Sandy Relief Fundraiser to aid the Robin Hood Foundation, the same group for whom the 12-12-12 Benefit Concert was performed less than a week ago.

For $20, a donation to the foundation will be made. Beer and whiskey tastings will be free, and food from the W Midtown will be served. Your ticket will also get you a VIP brewery tour and music by Wesley Cook will fill the air.

Tickets are available for purchase online, or they can be purchased at the door.

(MORE: What it’s like to cover a superstorm)

The brewery is a really good time, if you’ve never been. And if you have yet to make a donation to Sandy relief, this is the perfect opportunity to help a region that is still desperately in need of assistance.

One-hundred percent of the proceeds go to the Robin Hood Foundation, so if you have a couple of free hours Monday night, I implore you to attend. Be sure to say hello to me if you’re there!

(Click here to purchase tickets)

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Author:Sean Breslin

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