We have a winner!

The week is over, which means my contest to celebrate 30,000 readers of Breslanta is officially closed. I want to thank everyone who entered the sweepstakes to win the $25 Target gift card, and it was fun to read your comments and even pick up a few new subscribers in the process!

Without further ado, I have randomly thrown every entry into a virtual hat, and the name it called was yours, Joan Graves! So congratulations, and I will be emailing you soon.

On a side note, I won’t have time to write this evening, but I want to thank everyone who read my post on the Chick-Fil-A controversy. I didn’t expect everyone to agree with me — heck, I didn’t expect most to see things my way.

But I appreciate every person who read the piece and was at least considering my side with an open mind. It was my most successful post to date, and nearly 4,000 views later, it is still going strong 36 hours after I posted it. I appreciate all the support I received for writing the piece, and it was very flattering to see everyone share and tweet the post.

Catch up with y’all tomorrow, and congrats again to Joan!

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Author:Sean Breslin

Thanks for taking the time to visit my site! I’m an Atlanta native since near-birth, so I will write a lot about Atlanta sports and food, as well as weather and news topics. Please poke around and leave me a comment if you have any suggestions.


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