Archive | September, 2011
AP Photo/Nick Wass

Changes for the Braves in 2012

There’s no doubt that the collapse of the Atlanta Braves was a result of injuries, but also bad decision-making down the stretch that led to key players getting overused and thus, worn down. OK, now the excuses are out of the way. Let’s move on to getting answers. I have so many questions about where [...]

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AP Photo/John Bazemore

Braves can clinch tonight!

We all know the putrid facts — 5-11 in their last 16 games, melting down and throwing away a massive lead in the final days of the season (remember when I said that wouldn’t happen?) Well, it happened. The Braves look beat-up, worn-down and continue to sputter to the finish line, hoping that it’s close [...]

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AP Photo/Butch Dill

How the Top 10 should look, Week 4

Another week, another updated top 10 for you to pore over. There may be some surprises in this list, but as I always say, my poll isn’t about favorites … it’s about who’s played the best in the first four weeks of the season. More: Click here for my full top 25 1. LSU (Last [...]

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