Archive | April, 2011

Sometimes, sports take a back seat

This has been a long week for the Southeast. Huge tornadoes terrorized entire cities, wiping small towns off the map and leaving larger towns like Tuscaloosa and Birmingham in their paths of destruction. I’ve never used this blog for anything other than sports, but since I started the blog 23 months ago, there have been [...]

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Falcons go for broke with Julio Jones

Last night, I was at Philips Arena watching the Game 6 clincher between the Hawks and Magic, assuming I’d be home from the game by the time the Atlanta Falcons made their first pick in the NFL Draft. The only way I figured that wouldn’t happen was in the event of a trade up for [...]

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McDowell becomes the dumbest man in America

I’ll keep this short, not only because I am so upset about this situation that it has become difficult to dig deeper into, but also because I’ve done a lot of writing in the last 27 hours (working almost all of them with a short break to sleep as the tornado outbreak swept through the [...]

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