Archive | July, 2010

Bustin’ out

I’m going to start this blog with a question — who currently has the longest hitting streak in Major League Baseball? Albert Pujols? Alex Rodriguez? Miguel Cabrera? Nope, none of the above. It’s actually Buster Posey. Next question — just who is Buster Posey? If you’re not a college baseball fan or a Florida State [...]

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Braves trade Escobar, team suddenly missing its bonehead

I’ve been a big Yunel Escobar fan since he came up with the Braves. Sure, he did some really stupid things on the baseball field, but he also had so many flashes of brilliance that I could truly appreciate the talent he possessed. But the story I just heard Buster Olney tell on Sportscenter really [...]

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The passing of a legend

I highly doubt that those who work for Major League Baseball woke up this morning thinking they’d have to prepare memorial videos and arm patches to honor the passing of a legend before tonight’s All-Star Game. But then again, I figured today’s blog wouldn’t be discussing that, either. I assumed the topic of the day [...]

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